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書 名:Build your vocabulary skills!:a quick and easy method
作 者:LaCarnaJohn
出 版 項:West Hartford, CT:The Graduate Group, 2000
稽 核 項:226 p.;28 cm
標 題 項:English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers--Vocabulary

連結查詢 權威標目
書名 build your vocabulary skills!a quick and easy method
作者 lacarnajohn
出版項 the graduate group
標題項 english languagetextbooks for foreign speakersvocabulary
分類號 428.1
ISBN 093860948

Build your vocabulary skills! .a quick and easy method/by John LaCarna.--West Hartford, CT.--The Graduate Group.--2000
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況

Teaching other subjects through English /Sheelagh Deller,Christine Price.--Oxford ;Xford University Press,2007 New York :
Longman active American idioms /Richard Booker. .--Hong Kong :Longman Asia ELT,1994.
New listen in.|n3 /David Nunan, Jeff Curran .--Australia :Cengage,c2017
Little women/adaptor: Winnie Huang ;illustrator: Nan Jun .--[Taiwan ed.] .--Taipei:Cosmos Culture, 2009
Bible stories.adaptor: Brion J. Stuart ; illustrator: Ludmila Pipchenko.--[Taiwan ed.] .--Taipei, Taiwan :Cosmos Culture,[2008?]
The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/Robert Louis Stevenson ;illustrations by Fabio Sardo.--[London]:Helbling Languages, 2012
Richard Scarry's Best word book ever :more than 1400 objects /by Richard Scarry..--1st rev. ed. .--New York :Golden Press,1980.
Falling leaves /Adeline Yen Mah ; retold by Sue Harmes .--[New ed.] .--Harlow :Pearson Education,2001

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