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查得筆數有 34 筆共 3 頁 / 第 1 頁
第 1 筆 The sandwich swap/by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah with Kelly DiPucchio ;illustrations by Tricia Tusa.--1st U.S. ed .--New York:Disney-Hyperion Books, 2010
第 2 筆 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets /by J.K. Rowling; illustrations by Mary Grandpre.--New York :Scholastic,[2000], c1999
第 3 筆 The giver /by Lois Lowry .--1993
第 4 筆 We're all wonders / written and illustrated by R.J. Palacio.--1st ed .--New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2017
第 5 筆 The heart and the bottle/Oliver Jeffers .--New York:Philomel Books, c2010
第 6 筆 The graveyard book/Neil Gaiman ; with illustrations by Dave McKean.--1st pbk. ed .--New York:Harper, 2010
第 7 筆 The boy in the striped pajamas :a fable /by John Boyne.--Oxford ;New York :David Fickling Books,2008, c2006
第 8 筆 One of us is lying / Karen M. McManus .--1st ed .--New York : Delacorte Press, 2017
第 9 筆 Black beauty/Anna Sewell ;[editor, Marcia Chengillustrator, Ting-wen Kuo].--Young folks' ed .--[Taipei], Cosmos Culture:2006
第 10 筆 告訴我生命的故事/陸可鐸(Max Lucado)作 ;隆.迪西安尼(Ron DiCianni)圖郭恩惠譯.--初版 .--臺北市:道聲出版;臺北縣中和市:貿騰發賣經銷, 2006.12
第 11 筆 After you /Jojo Moyes .--United Kindom :Penguin,2016
第 12 筆 Biscuit finds a friend/story by Alyssa Satin Capucilli ;pictures by Pat Schories.--New York:HarperCollins, c1997
第 13 筆 Trouble don't last/Shelley Pearsall .--New York:Dell Yearling, 2003, c2002
第 14 筆 Missing/Catherine MacPhail .--New York:Scholastic, Inc., 2005, c2000
第 15 筆 Sahara Special/Esme Raji Codell .--New York:Scholastic Inc., 2004, c2003
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